Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Use Bible to fight the world

When Moses said he was not capable, God gave him his brother to speak for him in front of Pheroah. God knows our weakness. God knows our faith is not enough. He will help us with his own ways. He is very considerate. In this chapeter, I feel God is actually with Moses and Aaron in the palace. He is there physically. When we fight with the world, God is physically with us. He is there. All we need to do is to use his exact words - bible. Nothing to fear because God is there and he is almighty God. It's strange to me for what Pheroah did. He chose to trust the witches but not almighty God. Because the witches listened to what he commanded and God didn't. He wanted to rule so much. When I intend to rule, I choose not to listen to God. I will forget his words and my heart will turn to stone-hard. It's scary to not seeing myself walking on fire, to death, to away from God. Not realize what I am giving up - his prescious gift and his love. Everyone can see. Only me cannot. I don't want to be Pheroah. Anymore...

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