Mother seems having a great day. I accompany her to check up on her eye. Then I drive her to Stanley. We spend a whole afternoon there and we discover a beach resturant together. Then we meet up with sister for dinner at LKW. I never see her with that much patient. And that easy to be pleased (a french fries, a hot chocolate, a good bargain can already make her that thanksful) Plus she is more willing to listen now and now she shows she really care about us. Frankly, I am glad. And it's never too late for that. All the hurts and unhappiness are washed away. As a matter of fact, I am suprise with the great understanding when we share and talk! Sister is also more patient and passionate. I am glad to have a sister back. Now I hope dad's perception of life can be changed too. I can see he is seeking and still not get there yet.
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