Thursday, September 13, 2007

New ager? am I?

Did a test yesterday in the pray seminar. I belong to the feeling type personality. That is, all my decision, action and thinking build on my feeling including touching and other physical contact. No wonder I can never reject men who sit close to me or start physical contact with me. In my pray, I always request God to hold me, to let me feel him, to hold my hand, etc. God is so kind that I sometimes get it. I am developed to this type and there's nothing wrong with it. But I admit I am demanding and not easy to be pleased because I am very insecure.Except feeling type, there are audio, video, self-talking type. End up my audio and video personality are quite even and score high enough. I am also a self-talking person (just 2 points less than feeling). I've been changing a lot these years. I get to know myself more and care about myself more. I develop my audio by gallery, museum and drawing. Develop my audio by listening to people and music. For self-talking, I do it since I was born because I have no one else. I am happy that my feeling does not freeze after isolation all these years.New age, I happen to have special interest in but I must pay real attention. Since I am such a curious person, every new thoughts get my attention. Crystal energy, environmental friendly, yoga, aromatherapy, meditation, dream sign, new age music, and hypnotherapy. I suddenly realize I am such a new ager. I used to believe in astrology and palm reading too. I must be very cautious for I know it now. When I learn to pray, I get very confused when clergy lead us into mediation and physic (well, at least I feel it this way) Of course I know deep down that it's for contacting God. But still I find it dangerous and weird. Really uncomfortable! I even skipped a week of class. Anyway, I figure I must be sure what is new age and what is wrong with it before I get stereotype.

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