Monday, July 10, 2006

Down Down Down

Achievement level: O Frustration level: High Think I am going through a depression. Or maybe the grieving stages. They said it takes at least 6 months for overcoming pet loss. I have no idea how long for me. Plus I am trapped in the house. My world freezes for these months. Even worse for me. Unable to go to work, am being quite isolated and distanced from colleagues whether on purpose or not. Of coures for few incidents that colleagues really disppointed me. Making me feel like not going back anymore. So boring and depress and really need someone to hang out with. A also depressed friend also hang out with me these days is actually helping me out in shutting out people. Meanwhile, addicted to cigarette again and adult chatroom. Know it's not healthy both physically and mentally. Yet life is a mess recently and no positive input.