Tuesday, May 29, 2007

May29 The second last day of my teaching. I was too busy to be emotion. After all I decide anyone who just breakup with boyfriend, go teach! It occupies all your times and thoughts that no spare room for others. Anyway, this week I gotta finish music exam for 5 classes as a music panel of the school. Exam includes singing and flute playing. Well, it's impossible even for an experience teacher. But as my practice, there is no impossible in my dictionary. Ending up the pressure all goes to the kids. I was impatient when they didn't perform well or they consumed more time than I expected. Some of them cried and got hurt by my smuggle face and cruel words. O I know I know, for I am never a gentle person. Being a supervisor, I always give my colleagues hard time. But hey they are kids and of course they are incapable to handle this witch! The words they put in my mouth was what I couldn't accept. Otherwise, I realize I am always a person with anger and impatient and never considerate others feeling when I am in pressure. Still remember the trip to the states early this year, my sister got so nervous and upset that she broke her car on the way to the airport. Just because I blame her for letting us so rush for our flight. Then you can see how much pressure I can convey to people around me. Nothing to be proud of. Really gotta make a change on it.

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