Monday, March 13, 2006

Are All Men Greedy?!

I thought I was dating that divorce man. But I just find out he wants something else than me. Well, I am taking care of his 2 dogs now. They are like daughters to him. I can understand how dear they are to him. But it isn't necessary for him to play only with them whenever he visits and totally ignoring me. He shows no interests in communicating with me, knowing more about me or spying for what I like and want. I feel really bad about it. It's either he is a selfish stone or social handicap. I have been given him chances and have my heart open for him. I am hurt now and I will close the door soon if he doesn't show a progress. If he only cares about his dogs and wanna find them a responsible nanny, it's ok. But please don't try to hold my hand or say he misses me. Hate those confusing message he is passing to me. Are they all that greedy, taking advantage from girl's care? Another one breaking my heart, telling me how well he knows me. Keeping me but with no action. I treat him as friend and share my feeling over the divorce man with him. He took the chance to tell me he likes me. How dare him!!! I was just going out with him and his girl the other night. Now he told me he likes me but he finds himself not good enough for me. Tricks!!! Low-tech tricks!!! Greedy for girls. Guys!!!

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